
The Certified Strategy and Business Planning Professional C-SBP Certification recognizes your knowledge of developing organizational strategy and planning your business using a strategic framework.

The C-SBP certification is the result of a rigorous experiential learning programme divided into three sections: pre-course activities, core-course activities, and post-course assignments. This programme provides participants with the Strategic Planning Tools they need to anticipate and capitalize on future customer expectations, disruptive technology, and other changes that business leaders may face.

This educational programme, which incorporates more than 15 years of research, will provide you with the necessary knowledge and skills to differentiate yourself from other professionals through a rigorous and structured approach to measuring performance.


The pre-course is a component of the learning experience that is intended to facilitate a seamless transition to face-to-face training. It is strongly advised to take the following actions to ensure a successful learning experience:

Introduction – send out a message to introduce yourself to the other members of an online community.

  • Pre-course evaluation – complete a requirements analysis by taking a brief exam to determine your current level of expertise and completing a section to express your expectations. Participants can define personal learning objectives for this programme as part of this self-evaluation.
  • Prerequisite reading – go through a variety of subjects, including history and management philosophies. In addition, KPI definitions should be examined prior to the core course to acquire a more holistic picture of the subject and to develop a shared knowledge base linked to strategic planning.
  • Guidance and schedule – read a paper that contains instructions for maximizing your learning experience by utilizing all of the materials available, as well as a recommended study schedule.

The course is designed to enhance experiential learning and ensure a high degree of involvement over the five days of face-to-face training. Exercises used to improve competency development range from simple concept matching to in-depth case study analysis. The learning experience consists of the following components:

  • Analyzing case studies and developing answers;
  • Applying principles in real activities
  • Using templates to create performance measuring tools;
  • Sharing of knowledge and best practices;
  • Constantly assessing participants’ knowledge using mini quizzes to supplement the final test.

Following the training, participants are provided with materials and venues to support both knowledge advancement and experience exchange. The following are the components of the post-course learning experience:

  • Action plan – present a plan outlining the changes you propose to implement in your department or organization in terms of Strategy Planning.
  • In-house presentation – provide a PowerPoint presentation on important subjects covered throughout the training course that you will deliver within your firm.
  • Additional reading – go over a list of materials (books, articles, and videos) aimed at assuring a lifelong learning experience.
  • Follow-up – 3 months after the session, complete a survey to identify what you have effectively implemented inside your business as a result of attending the training course.

Top management and business owners

Business owners and top management professionals will gain the knowledge and competencies required to design a corporate strategy, thereby improving their organization’s performance in terms of relevant financial indicators, operational indicators, customer satisfaction indicators, and employee satisfaction indicators.


Professionals in middle management

Professionals from various fields, including finance, human resources, production, logistics, marketing and sales, and others, will gain the knowledge and competencies needed to design and implement a strategy for their department that supports and aligns with the organizational strategy.


Academics and consultants

These participants will have the opportunity to validate and certify their knowledge and competencies in assisting organizations at all levels with their strategy and business planning processes. They also join a network of professionals in the field and make direct contact with companies that may be interested in their services by taking the course.





5 Days


DISS Certificate



The KPI Institute Certification



CPD Certificate

Only after you have completed all three stages of the learning experience will the certification process be completed. You will receive the following:

  • After completing pre-course activities and passing the Certification Exam, you will receive a Certificate of Completion (soft copy).
  • After participating in the 5-day live session course, you will receive a Certificate of Attendance (soft copy).
  • After successfully completing all three stages of the learning experience, you will be awarded a Certified Professional diploma (soft copy).

Choose Your Preferred Learning Mode


Customized schedule Learn at your dedicated hour Instant clarification of doubt Guaranteed to run


Flexibility, Convenience & Time Saving More Effective Learning Cost Savings


Anytime – Across The Globe Hire A Trainer At Your Own Pace Customized Corporate Training

What you'll discover

  • Strategy has been defined.
  • Strategy planning prerequisites
  • The strategy planning process’s architecture
  • Impact;
  • Mission
  • Values
  • Vision
  • Long-term ambitions
  • Strategic (medium-term) goals
  • Operational (short-term) goals
  • Approaches that are functional, structural, and strategic
  • An algorithm for scanning the strategic internal environment
  • The PESTEL analysis
  • Mode of Porter’s Five Forces
  • The SWOT analysis
  • The strategy is being cascaded from the corporate level.
  • Departmental business planning
  • Including departmental strategies and action plans in the overall corporate strategy
  • Identifying key performance indicators (KPIs) for strategic goals
  • Creating KPI targets


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