
Certifications are seals of approval that enable people to market themselves as highly qualified, skilled, and experienced specialists in their industries. As a consequence, physicians and lawyers have them, and now professionals in the security business are getting them to demonstrate their expertise in respective industries. The Certified Protection Professional or CPP certification is one that security professionals all around the globe are pursuing (CPP). CPP online training, which is administered by ASIS, verifies a person’s knowledge and management abilities in all areas of security management. The accreditation, according to ASIS, is the gold standard for security management professionals.

CPP certification course, an internationally recognized standard of excellence for security management professionals and a certification acquired by over 12,000 security professionals worldwide, shows security professionals’ knowledge and capabilities in seven important security fields. Among these domains are:

  • Principles and Practices of Security
  • Principles and Practices in Business
  • Investigations
  • Personnel Safety
  • Physical Safety
  • Information Safety
  • Management of Crises

Security professionals with CPP have a higher likelihood of being recruited or promoted than non-CPP certified experts. CPP requires dedicated study (either self-study, a study class, or an online group) as well as applicable experience. The most essential thing, though, is to be devoted to the process.


What’s on CPP EXAM?

Exam Name



Multiple choice

Total questions

Up to 225

Time Limit

4 Hours


$335 ASIS MEMBER, $485 Nonmember

Retake Fee


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CPP Course Outline: Certified Protection Professional (CPPⓇ)

ASIS has divided the syllabus into various sections. The Certified Protection Professional (CPPⓇ) exam includes its objectives and sub-topics in it. The detailed course outline is mentioned below:

  • Plan, develop, implement, and manage the organization’s security program to protect the organization’s assets.
  • Develop, manage, or conduct the security risk assessment process.
  • Evaluate methods to improve the security program on a continuous basis through the use of auditing, review, and assessment.
  • Develop and manage professional relationships with external organizations to achieve security objectives.
  • Develop, implement, and manage workforce security awareness programs to achieve organizational goals and objectives.
  • Develop and manage budgets and financial controls to achieve fiscal responsibility.
  • Develop, implement, and manage policies, procedures, plans, and directives to achieve organizational objectives.
  • Develop procedures/techniques to measure and improve organizational productivity.
  • Develop, implement, and manage security staffing processes and personnel development programs in order to achieve organizational objectives.
  • Monitor and ensure an acceptable ethical climate in accordance with regulatory requirements and organizational culture.
  • Develop performance requirements and contractual terms for security vendors/suppliers.
  • Identify, develop, implement, and manage investigative operations.
  • Manage or conduct the collection, preservation, and disposition of evidence to support investigative actions.
  • Manage or conduct surveillance processes.
  • Manage and conduct investigations requiring specialized tools, techniques, and resources.
  • Manage or conduct investigative interviews.
  • Provide support to legal counsel in actual or potential criminal or civil proceedings.
  • Develop, implement, and manage background investigation processes for hiring, promotion, and retention of individuals.
  • Develop, implement, manage, and evaluate policies and procedures to protect individuals in the workplace against human threats (e.g., harassment, violence, active assailant).
  • Develop, implement, and manage executive protection programs.
  • Conduct facility surveys to determine the current status of physical security.
  • Select, implement, and manage physical security strategies to mitigate security risks.
  • Assess the effectiveness of physical security measures by testing and monitoring.
  • Conduct surveys to evaluate the current status of information security programs.
  • Develop policies and procedures to ensure information is evaluated and protected against vulnerabilities and threats.
  • Implement and manage an integrated information security program.
  • Assess and prioritize threats to mitigate the potential consequences of incidents.
  • Prepare and plan how the organization responds to incidents.
  • Respond to and manage an incident.
  • Manage incident recovery and resumption of operations.


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    Frequently Asked Questions

    How Do I Become CPP Certified?

    The CPP qualifying conditions are previously described above. Another criterion for CPP certification is to take and pass a four-hour test. The exam consists of 225 questions, including 200 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and 25 randomly dispersed pre-test (unscored) questions. The exam assesses professionals’ abilities and knowledge in the seven essential areas indicated above. The certification price is $300 for ASIS members and $450 for non-members. The price for attempting the paper a second time is $200.

    Final Considerations

    While CPP is a highly sought-after security credential, it can only be achieved by security experts with many years of relevant experience. CPP, on the other hand, is a certificate that demonstrates qualified senior staff employees’ ability to accomplish their work effectively and to the highest professional standards.